Big Tiddy Goth Girl
Hello, yes, I'm a sad and lonely teenager who would like to order 5 big tiddie goth girls please, extra hair dye, extra eye liner, and extra THICC, hold the edge. I'd prefer a light spread of tender affection with 2 flops of Led Zeppelin fan T-shirts, 3 slit wrists, lightly scraped as so to not damage their arms, 2 pure black chokers, 5 anime wallpapers, a demonic necklace from Hot Topic, midnight blue nail polish, and black lipstick. Please send the basic necessities I will need in order to keep them nurtured: All the albums and tracks of Black Sabbath, a wide selection of yaoi porn, a steady stream of neon colored hair dye, nothing but black clothing, ripped jeans, lavender perfume, the blood of the innocent, and a package of tampons. Please send packaged with a Satanic calling card that threatens me to be sent to the 9th realm of Cthulhu's hellfire if I do not treat the assigned big tiddie goth girls with care and respect in order to further instill a sense of responsibility. Thank you Signed, Lonely Teenage Boy